by Michael Mahin | Blog, Book Reviews, Marketing and Promotion, Platform Building
Blogging is hard! I’ve read it a thousand times and I know that consistency is key. But with family, kids, after-school activities, freelance writing gigs, trying to find more freelance gigs, and actual time to write the things I want to write, who has time!?...
by Michael Mahin | Blog, Marketing and Promotion, Writing Advice, Writing Exercises, Writing Tips
Entrepreneur’s know what a value statement is. They’re typically used to identify and express what value your company or product brings to consumers and the marketplace. Unfortunately, this very useful self-assessment tool goes unused by writers and...
by Michael Mahin | Blog, Marketing and Promotion, Review
Like many authors, I’m not a natural salesman. After a mildly traumatic stint as Cutco Knives salesman in highschool, I pretty much learned that I had no talent for convincing people they needed to buy what they didn’t want. As I began preparing for the...