by Michael Mahin | Blog, Events, News
So excited to announce the release of this beautiful book that came out in September! And if you haven’t heard, Jose Ramirez just won the coveted Society of Illustrators Gold Medal for Original Art! Check out the book at your local bookstore or here on...
by Michael Mahin | Events, News
So excited that Muddy has been honored by this great organization! National Young People’s Poet Laureate Margarita Engle will be keynoting and I get to give a speech and everything! What a wonderful testament to the life of Muddy Waters and his importance to...
by Michael Mahin | Blog, News
Today is the day! Stalebread Charlie and the Razzy Dazzy Spasm Band illustrated by the amazing Don Tate is officially a here! Here are links to a few great reviews: Publisher’s Weekly “After some false starts, the band takes off, and “the boys filled their...