by Michael Mahin | Blog, Character Development, Characterization, Children's Writing, Picture Books, Story Development, Writing Advice, Writing Exercises, Writing Tips
Without memorable characters, your story is dead in the water. Nothing can save it. Not a great plot. Not a great premise. Not a great climax. Why? Because if readers don’t like your characters, they will not care what happens. The good news is, the fix is...
by Michael Mahin | Blog, Book Reviews, Character Development, Characterization, Writing Advice, Writing Tips
REVIEW: Getting Into Character: 7 Secrets a Novelist Can Learn from Actors by Brandilyn Collins. [This is Part 2. Click here for Part 1.] Kurt Vonnegut has some great, snappy sayings about writing. Here’s one of my favorites: “Every character should want something,...
by Michael Mahin | Blog, Book Reviews, Characterization, Writers on Writing, Writing Advice, Writing Tips
REVIEW: Getting Into Character: Seven Secrets a Novelist Can Learn from Actors by Brandilyn Collins (Wiley 2002). If you’re like me, character is tough. Sure, I can get a character sketch together, but it’s hard turning that sketch into a living breathing...